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Mike Pauly, Newcastle to Hobart


Mike had an enjoyable stopover at Kiama last night and was really looked after by the Kiama Shedders.

They also carried some minor repairs on the trolley. As you can imagine the trolley has taken quite a beating so far but has held up really well.

His hosts held a discussion evening and Mike became involved in the forum.

He didn’t leave Kiama until just before 9:00 am which is a late start for Mike.

His host drove him a distance along the Princes Highway until they struck some roadwork’s where Mike was left to travel across country heading towards the coast road.

At one stage he had to make his way through a forest which was a bit gloomy in the current weather.

He is currently on Gerroa Road, about 4-5 km from Shoalhaven Heads.

It has been raining continually and he is keen to spend the night away from the elements and to do some washing.

Hopefully one of the Sheds may be able to assist.

Area forecast for tomorrow is a few showers, mostly cloudy and temperature about 20 degrees.


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