Mike Pauly, Newcastle to Hobart
Mike made it to Wollongong today and is looking for somewhere to declutter the trolley.
Fortunately, a member of a local Mens Shed has offered Mike the use of his back yard so that might be a useful place to reorganise the trolley.
He has had a request to be interviewed by the ABC tomorrow morning and Mike never knocks back an opportunity to talk to the media.
Currently in Wollongong there is a festival called the Festival of Song which Mike has some experience with.
He has been invited to rehearse tonight with a group called Men in Suits
A timely visit to the ‘Gong it seems.
Back in Freemantle Mike is associated with a group calling themselves Voicemale so he is no stranger to performing for the masses.
There is also a parade of some sorts tomorrow through the streets of Wollongong and I am sure Mike would not want to miss seeing that.
Then it is back to the daily grind of walking, walking, walking.
The time spent between arriving in Newcastle and by the time he leaves Wollongong must have been enjoyable for him with the variety of activities he has been involved in.