Mike Pauly, Melbourne to Perth
Mike is currently 21 km from Tailem Bend and he should be there late this afternoon.
After starting his walk this morning a motorist pulled up and started chatting with Mike and eventually asked him to breakfast.
He had to politely refuse the bacon and eggs but settled for a cup of tea and some toast.
The lady was a resident of Coomandook but I am a little concerned why they would need an Army tank in their front yard, maybe they know something we don’t.
Yesterday as Mike was entering Yumali, one of the arms from his glasses fell off.
He went into the recycled wire works gallery and the owner did some home modifications to Mike’s glasses and presto-they are fixed-well in a fashion.
His walk today has been uneventful and the countryside is open, flat and at the moment very dry.
He will spend the day in Tailem Bend tomorrow with some repairs to the trolley and probably some more washing.
I am sure that if he had the time he would pay a visit to Old Tailem Town
Australias largest pioneer village