Mike Pauly, the road home
Mike left Eucla this morning at about 7:30 (all times quoted will be AEDT-that way I don’t make a mistake converting) and has covered about 15 km.
Not pushing himself today as he is not sure what happened to his quota of today’s motivation. I think maybe a bit of lethargy.
Or maybe the real reason is the quantity of Easter eggs consumed and still counting.
At the moment he is at a rest area and is contemplating if he should he continue and I think he will push a bit further today.
The shedder who inquired about Mike yesterday received a call from Mike today. Mike stayed at the shedders home and was introduced to the family.
Apparently one of the granddaughters is a very clever pianist and has taught her grandmother to play-congratulations to both of them.
Apart from that all is quiet on the western front and each step puts Mike closer to home.