Mike Pauly, the road home
Mike reached Madura at about 4:30 AEDT this afternoon after travelling 26 km for the day. The roadhouse is about halfway up a hill and it is timely for a rest and attack again in the morning.
He has pitched the tent under a tree next to the service station.
Food is a bit of a problem as he is running a bit short and the roadhouse doesn’t really cater for grocery shopping. He has spoken to the operators and I would guess very sympathetically to try and obtain some rations. It remains to be seen if his ruse works. Mike may have to survive on Mars Bars or similar.
He is having some problems with the alarm on his phone. He sets it only to find the battery flat the next morning. It may be that there are one or two apps running in the background draining the battery.
Next stop is Cocklebiddy, some 95 km away. I am fascinated as to where the names of some towns come from. Maybe some research would turn up some interesting facts but I just love “Cocklebiddy”- sounds so British with a stiff upperlip.